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Exchange between Trân Duc Thao and Alexandre Kojève
Vol. 30/2
Dức Thảo TrầnAlexandre Kojève
From phenomenology to the materialist dialectic of consciousness
Vol. 30
Dức Thảo Trần
Further reading in philosophy and race
Vol. 35/1-2
Alexis Dianda
Vol. 31/1
Robin M. Muller
Merleau-Ponty and the quarrel over the conceptual contents of perception
Vol. 30/1
Étienne Bimbenet
Phenomenology and linguistics
Vol. 31
Hendrik Pos
Vol. 35
Alexis DiandaRobin M. Muller
Reconsidering the subject
Pierre KerszbergErick Raphael JiménezRobin M. Muller
Science, philosophy, literature
Pierre Macherey
The event of finitude
Vol. 37/1
Renaud Barbaras(Pantheon-Sorbonne University)
The sensible ideas between life and philosophy
Mauro CarboneRobin M. Muller
The signature of all things
Vol. 31/2
Truth and exactitude
Jean-Claude Milner