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Language, poetry and poetics - the generation of the 1890s

Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Majakovskij

edited byKrystyna PomorskaElżbieta Ettinger (Chodakowska)Hugh McleanBrent Vine

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Publication details

Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter

Place: Berlin-New York-Amsterdam

Year: 1987

Pages: 366, xiv

DOI: 10.1515/9783110862812

ISBN (digital): 9783110862812

Full citation:

Pomorska Krystyna, Ettinger Chodakowska Elżbieta, Mclean Hugh, Vine Brent (1987) Language, poetry and poetics - the generation of the 1890s: Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Majakovskij. Berlin-New York-Amsterdam, Mouton de Gruyter.