Repository | Book | Chapter
Ostranenie (Verfremdung) vs. alienation (Entfremdung)
a case of misunderstanding/misreading
pp. 143-160
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Publication details
Published in:
Meyer Holt, Berlina Alexandra (2024) A hundred years of ostranenie: readings of, in and with Viktor Šklovskij's founding word of modern literary theory. Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.
Pages: 143-160
Full citation:
Hansen-Löve Aage A. (2024) „Ostranenie (Verfremdung) vs. alienation (Entfremdung): a case of misunderstanding/misreading“, In: H. Meyer & A. Berlina (eds.), A hundred years of ostranenie, Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press, 143–160.