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History of linguistics 1996 II

from classical to contemporary linguistics

edited byDavid Cram Andrew Linn Elke Nowak


This volume contains papers on linguistic historiography ranging chronologically from ancient Greece to the present, and covering philosophical, social and political aspects of language as well as the study of grammar in the narrow sense. The work opens with the report on a round-table discussion of problems in translating ancient grammatical texts. The remainder of the volume is arranged in chronological sections, with contributions as follows. II. Classical and Medieval; III. Seventeenth Century; IV. Eighteenth Century; V. Nineteenth Century; VI. Twentieth Century.

Details | Table of Contents

The pragmatic triangle

Gardiner, Bühler and Reichling on the word and the sentence

Brigitte Nerlich


Publication details

Publisher: Benjamins

Place: Amsterdam

Year: 1996

Pages: 390

Series: Studies in the History of the Language Sciences

Series volume: 95

DOI: 10.1075/sihols.95

ISBN (hardback): 9789027245830

Full citation:

Cram David, Linn Andrew, Nowak Elke (1996) History of linguistics 1996 II: from classical to contemporary linguistics. Amsterdam, Benjamins.