Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Empiricism in the Vienna circle and in the Berlin society for scientific philosophy
Vol. 1
Carl Gustav Hempel
Der geistige Anschluß
George Leaman
Otto Neurath, Gesammelte bildpädagogische Schriften
Karl Otfried Müller
Heinrich Gomperz, Karl Popper and "Austrian philosophy"
Martin Seiler
The Vienna circle in France (1935–1937)
Antonia Soulez
Paul Kruntorad (ed.), Jour fixe der Vernunft
Camilla R. Nielsen
Marks and probabilities
Nancy Cartwright
Kurt Rudolf Fischer, Philosophie aus Wien
From the Vienna circle to Harvard square
Gerald Holton
From logical empiricism to radical probabilism
Richard C. Jeffrey
Wilhelm Neurath's opposition to "materialist" Darwinism
Thomas Uebel
Richard Creath (ed.), The Quine-Carnap correspondence and related work
Ludwig's apple tree
Jaakko Hintikka
The cultural meaning of Aufbau
Peter Galison
The Institut "Wiener Kreis"
Friedrich Stadler
Why the distinction between analytic and synthetic statements?
Henri Lauener
Vienna — Berlin — Prague
A new critique of Freud's theory of dreams
Adolf Grünbaum
The synthesis of logicism and formalism in Carnap's logical syntax of language
Thomas Oberdan
Alberto Coffa, The semantic tradition from Kant to Carnap
Logical empiricism and the uniqueness of the Schlick seminar
Arne Naess
Carnap and Reichenbach on probability with Neurath the Winner
Keith Lehrer
Software support for isotype — motivation and system design
Thomas A. Mueck Martin L. Polaschek
Order and chaos in nature and society
Rainer Hegselmann
Memories of the Vienna circle letter to Otto Neurath (1938)
Gustav Bergmann
Karl H Müller, Symbole, Statistik, Computer, Design
Johanna Hofbauer
Thomas Uebel, Overcoming logical positivism from within
Eckehart Köhler
Edgar Zilsel, Wissenschaft und Weltanschauung
Dietmar Paier
On the formation of logical empiricism
Vol. 10
Paolo Parrini
Structure and heuristic
Fynn Ole Engler
Logical positivism in Russia
Olessia Nazarova
Criticizing a difference of contexts
Gregor Schiemann
Towards a physicalistic attitude
Juha Manninen
Bolzano's account of justification
Anita Von Duhn
Béla von Juhos and the concept of "Konstatierungen"
Artur Koterski
Moritz Schlick's idea of non-territorial states
Hubert Schleichert
Between meaning and demarcation
Hans Juergen Wendel
Susan Stebbing's criticism of Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Nikolay Milkov
"Let's talk about flourishing!"
Dagmar Borchers
Logical empiricism and phenomenology
Wolfgang Huemer
No woman, no try?
Coordination and convention in Hans Reichenbach's philosophy of space
Carsten Klein
Reichenbach's definition of simultaneity in historical and philosophical perspective
Robert Rynasiewicz
Rose Rand
Adelheid Hamacher-Hermes
Quine's historical argument for epistemology naturalized
Graciela De Pierris
Two uses of unification
Elliott Sober
Unity and plurality in the concept of causation
Christopher Hitchcock
Susan Stebbing on Cambridge and Vienna analysis
Michael Beaney
Edgar Zilsel's research programme
Diederich Raven Jutta Schickore
An unknown side of Moritz Schlick's intellectual biography
Massimo Ferrari
Wittgenstein's constructivization of Euler's proof of the infinity of primes
Paolo Mancosu Mathieu Marion
The contexts of scientific justification. some reflections on the relation between epistemological contextualism and philosophy of science
Jutta Schickore
Pluralism of tenable world views
Contextualizing an epistemological issue
Giora Hon
The neutrality of meta-ethics revisited
Uwe Czaniera
Modal skepticism
Daniel Cohnitz
Kantian metaphysics and hertzian mechanics
David Hyder
Laws are persistent inductive schemes
Vol. 11
Wolfgang Spohn
Two questions about the revival of Frege's programme
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz
Frege, neo-logicism and applied mathematics
Peter Clark
Truth-seeking by abduction
Ilkka Niiniluoto
Artificial intelligence and its methodological implications
Stephan Hartmann
Informational economy and creativity
Nils-Eric Sahlin
Supplying planks for Neurath's boat
Hans Rott
The place of the notion of corroboration in Karl Popper's philosophy of science
I. Grattan-Guinness
Inductivism in 19th century German economics
Karl Milford
Planning, democratization and popularization with isotype, ca. 1945
Sybilla Nikolow
Inference to the best explanation and bayesianism
Stathis Psillos
Induction and deduction in the philosophy of science
Handling uncertainty in artificial intelligence, and the bayesian controversy
Donald Gillies
The uniformity of nature
David James Miller
Remembering Dick Jeffrey (1926 – 2002)
How can a falsified theory remain corroborated?
Ladislav Kvasz
Historicizing deduction
Malachi Hacohen
Remarks about a "general science of reasoning"
Michel Paty
Physical intuition as inductive support
The significance of explanatory considerations
Adam Grobler
Adaptive logics and the integration of induction and deduction
Joke Meheus
Argument, inference and reasoning — integrating induction and deduction
Matti Sintonen
Frank Ramsey — a biographical sketch
Vol. 12
Gabriele Taylor
Logical problems suggested by logicism
J. W. Degen
Hans Reichenbach and logical empiricism in Turkey
Yaman Örs
Ramsey's Ramsey-sentences
Steve Awodey & Carsten Klein (eds.), Carnap Brought home
Christopher Pincock
Wittgenstein and Ramsey
Brian McGuinness
Massimo Ferrari, Ernst Cassirer — stationen einer philosophischen biographie
Gabriele Mras
Ramsey's psychological theory of belief
Patrick Suppes
Richard C. Jeffrey, Subjective probability
Matthias Hild
Patrick Suppes, Representation and invariance of scientific structures
Claudia Arrighi Viola Schiaffonati
Discovering "Weight, or the value of knowledge"
Brian Skyrms
Ramsey and the Vienna circle on logicism
Ramsey's "note on time"
Maria Carla Galavotti
The foundation of human evaluation in democracies from Ramsey to Damasio
Werner Leinfellner
The vicious circle principle
Michael Dummett
Bergmann, Gustav, Collected works vol. I
Daniel Von Wachter
Notes on the origins of Fleck's concept of "Denkstil"
Allan Janik
Vol. 13
Elisabeth NemethStefan W. SchmitzThomas Uebel
"Freeing up one's point of view"
Elisabeth Nemeth
Economy, ideology and culture
Günther Sandner
Otto Neurath's concepts of socialization and economic calculation and his socialist critics
Günther Chaloupek
Neurath on money
Peter Mooslechner
Consensus in art and science
A similar line of thought in Neurath and sen
Ortrud Leßmann
Pluralism and economic institutions
John O'Neill
The war economy and the war museum
Nader Vossoughian
Otto Neurath as an Austrian economist
Analyticity and the a priori
A second appraisal
Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau
Kaila's critique of vitalism
Vol. 14
An improbable case of philosophy
On unity and disunity in the sciences
Between the Vienna circle and Ludwig Wittgenstein
Theoria and logical empiricism on the tensions between the national and the international in philosophy
Johan Strang
The debate on Begriffstheorie between Cassirer, Marc-Wogau — and Schlick
Thomas Mormann
Positivism before logical positivism in Nordic philosophy
Carl-Göran Heidegren
Enlightenment and formal romanticism
The earliest extensive receptions of Mach in the north
Marja Jalava
Kaila and Reichenbach as protagonists of "naturphilosophie'
Arto Siitonen
Jørgen Jørgensen and logical positivism
Carl Henrik Koch
Young Ketonen and his supreme logical discovery
Michael von Boguslawski
Empiricism, pragmatism, behaviorism
Fredrik W. Thue
The nature and status of scientific metatheory
Niels Bohr and the Vienna circle
Jan Faye
Carnap's encounter with pragmatism
Vol. 16
Carnap, philosophy and "politics in its broadest sense"
Scientific philosophy from Helmholtz to Carnap and Quine
Michael Friedman
Analyticity in the theoretical language
Richard Creath
Toward a theory of the pragmatic a priori
A virtual debate in exile
Carnap's Untersuchungen
Georg Schiemer
Rudolf Carnap and Wilhelm Dilthey
Christian Damböck
Realism as a problem of language – from Carnap to Reichenbach and Kaila
Matthias Neuber
Emergence – still trendy after all these years
John Michael
What is the status of the Hardy-Weinberg law within population genetics?
Vol. 17
Pablo Lorenzano
Kazimierz Twardowski and the development of philosophy of science in Poland
Jan Woleński(Jagellonian University)
Political polyphony Otto Neurath and politics reconsidered
Is there a European philosophy science? a wake-up call
Gereon Wolters
From the Vienna circle to the institute Vienna circle
Infinite idealizations
John D. Norton
A matter of substance?
Cristina Chimisso
Kelsen's legal positivism and the challenge of Nazi law
Herlinde Pauer-Studer
On the relationship between neuroscience and philosophy
Claude Debru
(anti-)metaphysics in the thirties and why should anyone care now?
Husserl and Gödel on mathematical objects and our access to them
Dagfinn Føllesdal
Betting interpretation and the problem of interference
Wlodek Rabinowicz Lina Eriksson
Biased coins a model for higher-order probabilities
Jeanne Peijnenburg David Atkinson
Mathematics and experience
Vienna circle historiographies
Veronika Hofer Michael Stöltzner
Reductionism today
Michael Esfeld
Carnap's Aufbau and physicalism
Logical empiricism in historical perspective. recent works on Moritz Schlick
Vienna circle on determinism
Tomasz Placek
Is logical empiricism compatible with scientific realism?
Probabilistic epistemology
Gödel and Carnap platonism versus conventionalism?
Does the unity of science have a future?
Theories of order in Carnap's Aufbau
Vol. 18
Paul Ziche
Carnap's Aufbau in the Weimar context
Wiener and Carnap
Sébastien Gandon
External world problems
Alan Richardson
Carnap and phenomenology
A. W. Carus
Susan Stebbing and the early reception of logical empiricism in britain
Assessing Rickert's influences on Carnap
Mikko Leinonen
Carnap's Aufbau and the early Schlick
What Carnap might have learned from Weyl
Thomas Ryckman
Neurath's influence on Carnap's aufbau
Purity in concepts
Alexandra Couto
The context of the development of Carnap's views on logic up to the Aufbau
Clinton Tolley(Department of Philosophy, University of Kentucky)
Carnap's early conception of a "system of the sciences"
Hans-Joachim Dahms
The age of insight
Review essay
Vol. 19
On the Viennese background of Harvard neopragmatism
Sami Pihlström
Ernst Mach and pragmatism
Report/documentaion – from "late enlightenment" to logical empiricism
Günther Sandner Christian Pape
American pragmatism, Central-European pragmatism and the first Vienna circle
William James and the Vienna circle
Feigl, Sellars, and the idea of a "pure pragmatics"
The ghost of pragmatism
Classical pragmatism and metaphysics
Donata Romizi
Beyond realism and antirealism?
Giovanni Rubeis
On rational restraints of ontology
Heikki J. Koskinen
Eino Kaila and the vienna circle
Professional ethics "applies" nothing
Vol. 2
Gender and political equality
Susan Moller Okin
Moral conduct under conditions of moral imperfection
Peter Koller
Rationality and morality
Julian Nida-Rümelin
Law and morality
Massimo La Torre
Science and analysis of language
Rudolf Carnap
Contract law and the ethical neutrality of the state
Georg Graf
Empiricism and the norms of scientific knowledge
The positivism dispute revisited
Democracy and the problem of collective identity
Alexander Somek
The position of Einstein's theory of relativity in the evolution of science
Philipp Frank
Rationality and virtue
Philippa Foot
Kant and social sentiments
The possibility of sustaining trust
Annette C. Baier
Ernst Tugendhat
Two methods of doing bioethics
Dieter Birnbacher
David Hume's criticism of traditional ethics
Gerhard Streminger
The controversy about human rights
The social roots of science
Edgar Zilsel
Semiotic, the socio-humanistic sciences, and the unity of science
Charles Morris
Karl Menger's intellectual autobiography
Christoph F. Strnadl
Editorial remarks
Applied ethics, applying ethics and the methods of ethics
Ursula Wolf
The quest for happiness
Manfred Geier
Humboldt's argument against the welfare state
(How) can law be legitimated?
Ludwig Nagl
"Just are the social institutions that are best for their participants"
Thomas Pogge
Some problems in the justification of moral rights
Anton Leist
Rudolf Haller
The first century of cell theory
Vol. 20
Jane Maienschein
Theorizing the distinction between solids, liquids and air
Alan F. Chalmers
"Beyond the conventional boundaries of physics"
Richard Staley
Scientific inference and the earth's interior
Teru Miyake
Extended evolution and the history of knowledge
Jürgen Renn Manfred Laubichler
Saving models from phenomena
Axel Gelfert Jacob Mok
Metaphysics and the unity of science
Values, facts and methodologies
My touchstone puzzles
Guido Caniglia
Carnap's Weltanschauung and the Jugendbewegung
Adam Tuboly
Poznański and Wundheiler's "The concept of truth in physics"
Vol. 21
Artur Koterski Thomas Uebel
How to speak about history of analytic philosophy
Brentanian motives in Kazimierz Twardowski and his students
Logical philosophy, anti-irrationalism, and gender equality
Peter Simons
The Lvov-Warsaw school as a multicultural phenomenon. Ukrainian aspect
Stepan Ivanyk
The brentanian inspirations in Tadeusz Czeżowski's philosophy
Dariusz Łukasiewicz
The law of contradiction in the light of recent investigations of Bertrand Russell
Leon Chwistek
The Lvov-Warsaw school and Austro-German philosophers
Jacek Juliusz Jadacki
The Lvov-Warsaw school against the reductionist vision of science
Anna Brożek
The concept of truth in physics
Aleksander Wundheiler Edward Poznański
The Lvov-Warsaw school from a bird's eye view
Cracow circle
Marcin Tkaczyk
From a study of practice to a philosophy of practicality
Wojciech W. Gasparski
Kotarbiński's praxiology and analytic philosophy of action
Marta Zaręba
Metaphysics and the logical analysis of "nothing"
Maria van der Schaar
Mach's "sensation", Gomperz's "feeling", and the positivist debate about the nature of the elementary constituents of experience. A comparative study in an epistemological and psychological context
Vol. 22
David Romand(University of Aix-Marseille, Centre Gilles Gaston Granger)
Monika Gruber, Alfred Tarski and the "concept of truth in formalized languages"
Vol. 23
Stepan Ivanyk, Filozofowie ukraińscy w szkole lwowsko-warszawskiej
Jan Surman
Major contacts with stimulating initiatives of analytical philosophy and the Vienna circle
Ladislav Tondl
Rudolf Carnap's inferentialism
Jaroslav Peregrin
Christian Damböck, Deutscher empirismus
Scott Edgar
Why Czech positivism could not be absorbed by logical positivism
Miloš Kratochvíl
Minimum dwellings
Tomáš Hříbek
Arnošt Kolman's critique of mathematical fetishism
Jakub MáchaJan Zouhar
Igor Hrušovský on social sciences
Juraj Hvorecký
On Hania Frank
Nina Holton
Philipp Frank's civic and intellectual life in Prague
Veronika Hofer
Scientific world conception on stage
Michael Stöltzner
How philosophers in the Czech lands broke ground for the vienna circle
Jan Šebestík
Gustav Bergmann, New foundations of ontology
Vol. 3
Barry Smith
New interpretations of quantum mechanics and the theory of knowledge
Roland Omnès
How can or should the recent developments in mathematics influence the philosophy of mathematics?
Hans-Christian Reichel
Why constructive mathematics?
Dirk van Dalen
Thomas Oberdan, Protocols, truth and convention
On the Vienna circle in exile
Computability in quantum mechanics
Wayne C. Myrvold
Logic and mathematics
A constructivist manifesto for the physical sciences — constructive re-interpretation of physical undecidability
Karl Svozil
What is a random string?
Cristian Calude
Crisis and return of intuition in Hans Hahn's philosophy of mathematics
Erhard Oeser
Strong determinism vs. computability
Cristian Calude Douglas CampbellKarl Svozil Doru Ştefănescu
Levels of physical theories
Capturing relativized complexity classes with Lindström quantifiers
Janos A. Makowsky
Constructivism and operationalism in the foundations of quantum mechanics
Giulio Cattaneo
Philipp Frank and the German physical society
Hypothetical extensions of constructive mathematics
Peter H. Krauss
Julian B. Barbour, Herbert Pfister, Mach's principle
Constructions as the subject matter of mathematics
Pavel Tichý
Experiment, entanglement and the foundations of quantum mechanics
Anton Zeilinger
A connection between Leibniz' infinitely small quantities and the analytical hierarchy
Karel Čuda
Verificationism then and now
Per Martin-Löf
Extensional equality in the classical theory of types
William W. Tait
Hans Hahn and the foundational debate
Karl Sigmund
Kurt Baier, The rational and the moral order
How far can we formalize language games?
Rohit Parikh
Reflections on the Austrian knowledge bases
Vol. 5
Structural rationality in game theory
Consequentialism and bayesian rationality in normal form games
Peter J. Hammond
Jesús Padilla Gálvez (ed.), El círculo de Viena
Microscopic foundation of stochastic game dynamical equations
Dirk Helbing
Prediction, bayesian deliberation and correlated equilibrium
Isaac Levi
Uniform barriers and evolutionarily stable sets
Immanuel M. Bomze
Equilibrium selection via travelling waves
Josef Hofbauer
Rational vs. adaptive egoism in support networks
Andreas Flache Rainer Hegselmann
A game theory of logic — a logic of game theory
Game theory, experience, rationality
Reinhard Selten
Evolutionary ethics
Ken Binmore
Counterproductive rationality
Anatol Rapoport
Hans Sluga, David Stern (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Wittgenstein
A preference-based theory of well-being and a rule-utilitarian theory of morality
John C. Harsanyi
Rationally coping with lapses from rationality
Thomas C. Schelling
Paolo Parrini, Conoscenza e realtà
Variability, uncertainty, and the emergence of firms and markets
Antonio Camacho
Do rational people make mistakes
John D. Hey
Agreeing to disagree
Matthias Hild Richard C. Jeffrey Mathias Risse
Friedrich Stadler, Studien zum Wiener Kreis
Hans Sluga(Department of Rhetoric, University of California Berkeley)
Learning with hazy beliefs
Dean P. Foster H. Peyton Young
A game-theoretic model of the war in Chechnya
Lucian Kern
Rationality and knavery
Daniel M. Hausman
Information and uncertainty
Dennis C. Mueller
Michael Heidelberger, Die innere Seite der Natur
Attractions to and repulsions from chance
Robin Pope
Jan Faye, Niels Bohr
"Sicher ist sicher"
Christoph Hofinger Oliver Holle Markus Knell
Rethinking rational cooperation
Edward F. McClennen
The spirit of the Vienna circle devoted to questions of Lebens- and Weltauffassung
Bayesian subjunctive conditionals for games and decisions
Scientific emigration
Gerhard Benetka(Sigmund Freud University)
Automata and inner states for repeated games
Karl Sigmund Maarten Boerlijst Martin A. Nowak
Martin Carrier, The completeness of scientific theories
Thomas Breuer
Kurt Gödel, Collected works, volume 3
Ulrich Felgner
Bruno de Finetti, Filosofia della probabilità
John W. Dawson, Logical dilemmas.
Helmut Veith
Towards bounded rationality within rational expectations — some comments from an economic point of view
Lutz Beinsen Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger
Christian Thiel, Philosophie und Mathematik
Game theory, sociodynamics, and cultural evolution
Macroeconomics and behavioral finance
Thomas Russell
Theories of truth
Vol. 6
Tarski's guilty secret
Jaakko HintikkaPaul-Gabriel Sandu
Semantic revolution
John Earman, Bangs, crunches, whimpers, and shrieks
Interplay of philosophy and mathematics in the classical theory of truth
Jan Tarski
How the unity of science saved alfred Tarski
Anita Burdman Feferman
Tarski on language and truth
Wilhelm K. Essler
Tarski and Gödel
Solomon Feferman
Łukasiewicz' theory of truth, from the quantum logical point of view
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara Roberto Giuntini
Undefinability vs. definability of satisfaction and truth
Roman Murawski
Neurath's opposition to Tarskian semantics
Carnap's move to semantics
Should Tarski's idea of consequence operation be revised?
Ryszard Wójcicki
Truth before Tarski
Critical idealism revisited
Remarks on a Carnapian extension of S5
Georg Gottlob
Tarski's truth condition revisited
Paul Weingartner
Tarski and Wittgenstein on semantics of geometrical figures
Tarski and Carnap on logical truth
Gerhard Schurz
Werner Depauli-Schimanovich, Peter Weibel, Kurt Gödel. Ein mathematischer Mythos
Wolfgang Ullrich
Reenchanted science
Anne HarringtonVeronika Hofer
Letters to Kurt Gödel, 1942#x2013;47
Alfred Tarski
Intuitionism and logical tolerance
Göran Sundholm
Psychologism. A case study in the sociology of philosophical knowledge
Martin KuschNicole D Schmidt
Why should a physical object take on the role of truth-bearer?
Artur Rojszczak
Hao Wang, A logical journey. From Gödel to philosophy
Neo-positivism and Italian philosophy
Is antipsychologism still tenable?
Andrzej Grzegorczyk
Ronald Giere, Alan Richardson (eds.), origins of logical empiricism
Michael Heidelberger
A bell experiment under strict Einstein locality conditions
Vol. 7
Gregor Weihs Thomas Jennewein Christoph Simon Harald Weinfurter Anton Zeilinger
Why do we find Bohr obscure?
Catherine Chevalley
Experimental quantum teleportation of qubits and entanglement swapping
Dik Bouwmeester Jian-Wei Pan Harald Weinfurter Anton Zeilinger
Quantum measurement
László E. Szabó
Quantum mechanics and secret communication
Patrick Zarda Surasak Chiangga Thomas Jennewein Harald Weinfurter
Quantum teleportation
H. J. Kimble
Ornithology in a cubical world
Wesley C. Salmon
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger paradox for three tritters
Marek Żukowski Dagomir Kaszlikowski
Quantum repeaters for quantum communication
H. J. Briegel J. I. Cirac W. Dür G. Giedke P. Zoller
The dynamical reduction program
Giancarlo Ghirardi
Science — a house built on sand?
Ilkka A. Kieseppä Friedrich Stadler
The shortcomings of the tv-screen in cultural communication
Kurt Blaukopf
Why we don't need quantum planetary dynamics
Wojciech Hubert Zurek
Is the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics implied by the correspondence principle?
Kurt Gottfried
Epistemological problems of measurement in quantum mechanics and the appearance of the classical world of macroscopic objects
What John von Neumann thought of the Bohm interpretation
Complementarity of fringe visibilities in three-particle quantum mechanics
Michael Horne
Towards coherent matter wave optics with macromolecules
Markus Arndt Olaf Nairz Anton Zeilinger
Alan Richardson Werner SauerKeith LehrerJohann Christian MarekKevin MulliganJesús Padilla GálvezJohn Earman John D. Norton Thomas Breuer
The histories of chaotic quantum systems
Walter Thirring
Comparison of Wigner's function and de broglian probability density for a wave packet and the wave packets superposition
Mirjana Božić Dušan Arsenović
Quantum complementarity and information invariance
Časlav Brukner Anton Zeilinger
Quantum engineering with atoms and photons in a cavity
Serge Haroche
Observation of three-particle entanglement
Matthew Daniell Dik Bouwmeester Jian-Wei Pan Harald Weinfurter Anton Zeilinger
Philosophical and experimental perspectives on quantum physics
Abner Shimony
Matter wave diffraction at standing light waves
Claudia Keller Jörg Schmiedmayer Anton Zeilinger
Neutron quantum experiments and their epistemological impact
Helmut Rauch
Entangled states of orbital angular momentum of photons
Alois Mair Anton Zeilinger
Quantum and classical Gödelian indeterminism, measurement, and informational collapse into the past
Yuri F. Orlov
Recent advances in the consistency of interpretation
Zenonian arguments in quantum mechanics
László Ropolyi Péter Szegedi
Quantum words for a quantum world
Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond
Critical reflections on quantum probability theory
Vol. 8
Scientific understanding in the twentieth century
Unsolved problems in mathematics
John von Neumann
Quantum mechanics of infinite systems
Opportunistic axiomatics — von Neumann on the methodology of mathematical physics
From Russell's logical atomism to Carnap's Aufbau
Henrique Jales Ribeiro
The axiomatic method and the foundations of science
Ulrich Majer
Miklós Rédei Michael Stöltzner
Thomas Mormann Maria Carla Galavotti Ulrich Majer Torsten Wilholt Johannes L BrandlHans-Joachim Dahms
Von Neumann's concept of quantum logic and quantum probability
Miklós Rédei
Editors' notes
The impossible causality
Roberto Giuntini Federico Laudisa
Unpublished correspondence
Amsterdam talk about "Problems in mathematics" september 2, 1954
J. v. Neumann's influence in mathematical physics
Quantum mechanics without probabilities
Peter Mittelstaedt
A new critique of theological interpretations of physical cosmology
Von Neumann's theory of quantum measurement
Jeffrey Bub
Recent works on Otto Neurath
Von Neumann, Gödel and quantum incompleteness
Why von Neumann rejected Carnap's dualism of information concepts
Entropy, von Neumann and the von Neumann entropy
Dénes Petz
On the stone — von Neumann uniqueness theorem and its ramifications
Stephen J. Summers
Neo-Kantian origins of modern empiricism
Vol. 9
Lothar Schäfer
Helmholtz's methodology of sensory science, the zeichentheorie, and physical models of hearing mechanisms
Patrick J. McDonald
Vernunftkritik und Wissenschaft
Thomas Uebel Massimo Ferrari
Kant on the apriority of causal laws
R. J. Anderson
Ludwig Boltzmann's mathematical argument for atomism
Torsten Wilholt
Kant, Kuhn, and the rationality of science
B. F. Skinner and P.W. Bridgman
Hopes and disappointments in Hilbert's axiomatic "foundations of physics"
Tilman Sauer
Affinities between Fleck and Neurath
How metaphysical is "deepening the foundations"?
The epr experiment
Michael Dickson
Mathematical physics and philosophy of physics (with special consideration of J. von Neumann's work)
Carnap on logic and experience
Wybo Houkes
Hilbert's program to axiomatize physics (in analogy to geometry) and its impact on Schlick, Carnap and other members of the Vienna circle
Sociology of science, rule following and forms of life
David Stern
On the notion of "law"
Bolzano's philosophy and the emergence of modern mathematics
Paul Rusnock Ladislav Kvasz
The social origins of modern science
Edgar ZilselChristian Fleck
"Wahrheit suchen und Wahrheit bekennen"
Evelyn Dölling Johann Christian Marek
Don Howard John Stachel Tilman Sauer
Philosophy of biology around the Vienna circle
Hume on sense impressions and objects
Marina Frasca-Spada
Concerning some philosophical reasons for the recourse to mathematics in the study of physical phenomena in the thought of Newton and Leibniz
Kenneth Simonsen
The philosopher without qualities
Whewell and the scientists
Laura J. Snyder
Critical rationalism, logical positivism, and the poststructuralist conundrum
The French connection
Anastasios Brenner
The role of models in Boltzmann's "Lectures on natural philosophy" (1903-1906)
Nadine De Courtenay
Karl Popper
Malachi Hacohen Karl Milford
Physics without pictures?
Physical pictures
Susan G. Sterrett
Brouwer's argument for the unity of scientific theories
Mark Van Atten
The modern history of scientific explanation
Gary Hardcastle
From the values of scientific philosophy to the value neutrality of the philosophy of science
David J. Stump
The poverty of "constructivist" history (and policy advice)