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Ten theses on coherence in law
Vol. 107
Amalia Amaya
Coherence and reliability in judicial reasoning
Stefan SchubertErik J. Olsson
Coherence and probability
William Roche
Juan Manuel Pérez Bermejo
Legal interpretation and coherence
Bartosz Broeżk
The third theory of legal objectivity
Aldo Schiavello
Pattern languages and institutional facts
Kenneth Ehrenberg
Three kinds of coherentism
Jaap Hage
Consistency and coherence in the "hypertext" of law
Wojciech Cyrul
Case classification, similarities, spaces of reasons, and coherences
Marcello Guarini
Coherence as constraint satisfaction
Jaromír Šavelka
Limits of constraint satisfaction theory of coherence as a theory of (legal) reasoning
Michał Araszkiewicz
Inerpretation and rule following in law
Vol. 111
Ralf Poscher
The ordinary meaning of rules
Brian G. Slocum
The validity of moral rules and principles as a legal problem
Andrzej Grabowski
Blindly following the rules
Hanna Filipczyk
Rules, norms and principles
Paul Boghossian
Why legal rules are not speech acts and what follows from that?
Marcin Matczak
Communalism, correction and nihilistic solitary rule-following arguments
William Knorpp
Implicatures within the legal context
Izabela Skoczeń
Knowing way too much
Krzysztof Posłajko
Why are words not enough?
Michal Dudek
The meaning of normativity of meaning
Leopold Hess
In defense of the expressive conception of norms
Andrej Kristan
On the Kantian answer to "Kripkenstein"'s rule-following paradox
Przemysław Tacik
Negating rules
Giovanni Battista Ratti
The role of argumentation theory in the logics of judgements
Marcello Ceci
Rules as patterns between normativism and naturalism
Piotr Kozak
Towards multidimensional rule visualizations
Vytautas ČyrasFriedrich Lachmayer
Normativity and rationality
Joanna Klimczyk
Rules, conventionalism and normativity
Rules and normativity in law
Brian H. Bix
Rules and rights
Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Stefano Bertea
The normativity of rules of interpretation
Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki
Philosophy, neuroscience and law
Dennis PattersonMichael S. Pardo
Separating rules from normativity
Gunman situation vicious circle and pure theory of law
Monika Zalewska
Rule-following and logic
Jan Woleński(Jagellonian University)
On obligations, norms and rules
Dietmar von der Pfordten
Rules as reason-giving facts
Peng-Hsiang WangLinton Wang
Are fundamental legal reasons internal?
Adam Dyrda
Legal interpretation as a rule-guided phenomenon
Paweł Banaś
Legal rules
To whom does the law speak?
Paolo Sandro
Foundations in the constitutional structure
Vol. 114
Humberto Ávila
Concept of legal certainty
The concept of tax-law certainty
Static dimension
Dynamic dimension
Normative function
Normative force
Conclusions and theses
Non-legal certainty
Legal certainty
Foundations in the constitutional superstructure
Hans Kelsen's psychoanalytic heritage
Vol. 116
Bettina K. Rentsch
The neglect of Hans Kelsen in West German public law scholarship, 1945–1980
Frieder Günther
Philosophy of law and theory of law
Nicoletta Ladavac
Pure formalism?
Christoph Bezemek
Cognition and reason
Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Kelsen's view of the addressee of the law
Drury D. Stevenson
Kelsen, justice, and constructivism
Joshua W. Felix
In defense of modern times
Clemens Jabloner
Kelsen in the United States
The Kelsen-Hart debate
Lars Vinx
Marmor's Kelsen
Michael S. Green
A morally enlightened positivism?
David Ingram
Peace and global justice through prosecuting the crime of aggression?
Jochen von Bernstorff
Hans Kelsen, the second world war and the U.S. government
Thomas Olechowski
Kelsen and Niebuhr on democracy
Daniel F. Rice
Kelsen and the necessity of God in the natural-law doctrine
Vol. 118
John McGarry
Kelsen on natural law and legal science
Jan Sieckmann
Kelsen and natural law theory
Pierluigi Chiassoni
Peter Langford Ian BryanJohn McGarry
Peter Langford John McGarry
Kelsen and the problems of the social fact thesis
Lorenz Kähler
Natural law systematics
Claes Peterson
Kelsen and contemporary constitutionalism
Paolo Carrozza
Hans Kelsen and practical reason
Francesco Viola
Constitutionalism and value-free method
Valeria Giordano
Kelsen and legal interpretation
Isabel Lifante Vidal
Validity and correctness in Kelsen's theory of legal interpretation
José Manuel Cabra Apalategui
Natural law and the nature of law
Pierre-Yves Quiviger
Kelsen on democracy in light of contemporary theories of human rights
Christine Chwaszcza(Cologne University)
Individual sovereignty
Francescomaria Tedesco
A fuller understanding of legal validity and soft law
Vol. 122
Bart van KlinkOliver W. Lembcke
A short note on the validity of rules guiding informal markets
Yugank GoyalPauline Westerman
Critical remarks on Alf Ross's probabilistic concept of validity
Katarzyna EliaszWojciech Załuski
Sovereignty and validity
Antonia Waltermann
Legal validity, soft law, and international human rights law
Mátyás Bódig
Pauline Westerman
What is legal validity?
Concept and validity of law
Stephan Kirste
Sources and validity
Mathieu Carpentier
Unlocking legal validity
The St. Petersburg school of legal philosophy and Russian legal thought
Vol. 125
Andrey Polyakov
The theory of state and law by Nikolay Korkunov
Law and social constructivism
Andrey N. Medushevsky
The logical and methodological foundations of the theory of law of Leon Petrażycki in the context of the analytical-phenomenological tradition
Elena Timoshina
Russian naturalistic and phenomenological theory of law and contemporary analytical philosophy of mind
Andrey Zolkin
The unrecognized father of Freudo-Marxism
Oleksandr Merezhko
Eugen Ehrlich and Leon Petrażycki
Mikhail Antonov
Sergey Muromtsev
Julia Stanek
On Leon Petrażycki's critical realism and legal realism
Edoardo Fittipaldi
Between psychology and sociology
Postmodern bourgeois liberalism
Vol. 31
Ian Ward
Critical legal studies and beyond
Relativism and the return of the moral self
Immanuel Kant and the foundations of critique
Freedom, responsibility and judgment
The crisis of judgment
Editor's introduction
Vol. 39
Vol. 52
William E Conklin
The positive law
Invisibility in modern legal thought
The tradition of legal positivism in modern legal thought
An invisible nature
Naming the unnamable
The habits of the people
The invisible origin of legal language
The forgotten origin
Forgetting the act of forgetting
The Chinese legal tradition and the European view of the rule of law
Vol. 80
Wu Shu-Chen
Modern constitutionalism in China
Lin Feng
Human rights and the rule of law in contemporary China
Wang ZhenminLi Zhenghui
The rule of law
Pietro Costa
Danilo Zolo
The rule of law and the "liberties of the English"
Emilio Santoro
Popular sovereignty, the rule of law, and the "rule of judges' in the United States
Brunella Casalini
État de droit and national sovereignty in France
Alain Laquièze
The past and the future of the rule of law
Luigi Ferrajoli
The rule of law and gender difference
Anna Loretoni
The rule of law and Indian society
Ananta Kumar Giri
Machiavelli, the republican tradition, and the rule of law
Luca Baccelli
The rule of law and the legal treatment of native Americans
Bartolomé Clavero
Rechtsstaat and constitutional justice in Austria
Giorgio Bongiovanni
The rule of morally constrained law
Baudouin Dupret
The colonial model of the rule of law in Africa
Carlos Petit
Is constitutionalism compatible with islam?
Raja Bahlul
"Asian values" and the rule of law
Alice Ehr-Soon Tay
Rechtsstaat and individual rights in German constitutional history
Gustavo Gozzi
Cassirer's public engagement with weimar
Vol. 82
Deniz Coskun
Cassirer and Heidegger
Cassirer in exile an essay on the recovery of individual moral judgement
The politics of myth
The philosophy of symbolic forms
Cassirer's position in relation to neo-Kantianism?
Law as a symbolic form
The linguistic turn of social contract theory
Cassirer's position in relation to neo-Kantian jurisprudence
Two opposing conceptions
Vol. 90
Massimo La Torre
The normativist view
Meaning and norm
Law as institution
Law and power
Meaning and value judgements
Value judgements and justification
Law and morality
Legal philosophy
Vol. 94
Cees MarisFrans Jacobs
Antiquity and the middle ages
The commencement of the modern age
Hobbes, Locke, and Spinoza
Eighteenth-century French enlightenment
The synthesis of Kant
Nineteenth century
Twentieth century
Legal interpretation in France under the reign of louis xvi
Vol. 95
Jean-Louis Halpérin
Legal interpretation in 18th century Europe
Legal interpretation and the use of legal literature in 18th century law reports of the "parlement" de flandre
Serge Dauchy
Interpretation by another name
Yasutomo Morigiwa
The object of interpretation
Heinz Mohnhaupt
The concept and means of legal interpretation in the 18th century
Jan Schröder
What is interpretation of the law for the French judge?
Michel Troper
Judicial interpretation in transition from the ancien régime to constitutionalism
Michael Stolleis
Vol. 97
Raimo Siltala
Law and metaphysics
An isomorphic theory of law
Coherence theory of law
"between the evident and the irrational"
Philosophical pragmatism
Analytical legal positivism
Legal realism
Legal conventionalism
"die Rechtssätze in ihrem systematischen Zusammenhang zu erkennen"
Natural law philosophy
Radical decisionism