Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Economics, ethics, and decision theory
Vol. 17
Peter Koslowski
Economics and ontology
Economic ethics in the market economy
Commutative justice
Just price theory
Economics, ethics, and religion
Economics and ethics i
Economics and ethics II
Economics and culture
Contribution towards a phenomenological approach to business ethics
Vol. 24
Stephen Meinster
Business ethics beyond the moral imagination
Paul T. Harper
An Arendtian approach to business ethics
P. Gratton
Of dice and men
Russell Ford
Abjection, ambiguity, and female sweatshop workers
Robin James
A Marxist in the business ethics classroom
Bill Martin
Hegel on the place of corporations within ethical life
Nathan Ross
Are we victims of circumstances?
Robert Solomon
The Grameen bank and capitalist challenges
Sokthan Yeng
Mental models, moral imagination and system thinking in the age of globalization
Patricia Werhane
Building an ethics of visual representation
Janet L. Borgerson Jonathan E. Schroeder
Business, ethics and the hope of society in Hannah Arendt
Angelo Carlo S. Carrascoso
Continental philosophy
David Bevan
Vol. 35
Dominik Heil
Heidegger's typology of entities and the very nature of the corporation
The corporation as technological work and the nature of management
Coming to terms with the corporation
Towards the enterprise as an original work
Closing remarks from Patricia Werhane
Vol. 47
Building bridges
Sergiy DmytriyevAndrew C Wicks
Employee rights, moral imagination, and the struggle with universal values
Norman E. Bowie
Patricia Werhane and Adam Smith, with side comments on aesthetics and Wittgenstein
Ronald F. Duska
Aristotle and Werhane on moral imagination
Edwin M. Hartman
Making ethics practical in the undergraduate classroom
Howard Harris
Building on Werhane's foundation
Timothy J. Hargrave
Ethical decision making surveyed through the lens of moral imagination
Mark S. Schwartz
Werhane's role in the development of the discipline of business ethics
Richard De George
Trading zones and moral imagination as ways of preventing normalized deviance
Michael E. Gorman
Weaving the embodied fabric of moral imagination
Mollie Painter-Morland
Patricia Werhane's response to the works on her contributions to business ethics and beyond
Moral imagination and the business of education
Carla J. Manno
The normative/descriptive distinction in methodologies of business ethics
Vol. 48
The inexorable sociality of commerce
Patricia WerhaneDavid Bevan
The rashomon effect
A theory of moral rights
The principle of double effect and moral risk
The compatibility of freedom, equality and a communitarian notion of the self
Obstacles to ethical decision-making in the perception of ethical context
Moral imagination and the search for ethical decision-making in management
The moral responsibility of multinational corporations to be socially responsible
Moral motivation across ethical theories
Trust after the global financial meltdown
The role of mental models in social construction
Employment-at-will, employee rights, and future directions for employment
Globalization, mental models and decentering stakeholder approaches
Corporate moral agency and the responsibility to respect human rights in the un guiding principles
Social constructivism, mental models, and the problems of obedience
Human rights as social constructions
Patricia WerhaneThomas Wren
Mental models, moral imagination and systems thinking in the age of globalization
Business ethics, organization ethics, and systems ethics for health care
Women leaders in a globalized world
Building partnerships to create social and economic value at the base of the global development pyramid
The role of self-interest in Adam Smith's wealth of nations
Freedom, commodification, and the alienation of labor in Adam Smith's wealth of nations
The constitutive nature of rules
Business ethics and the origins of contemporary capitalism