Repository | Serials | Journal | Volumes
1386-2820 (print)
1572-8447 (online)
On legal order
Vol. 3/3
Riccardo Guastini
Scientia iuris - an unsolved philosophical problem
Aleksander Peczenik
Genealogy of morality and law
José Antonio Marina
Dunne, T. and Wheeler, N.J. (eds). Human rights in global politics
Valérie Nádrai
Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Gemeinschaft in kommunikativer Freiheit
Stefan Grotefeld
The complexity of justice
Agnes Heller
Julian Nida-Rümelin, Economic rationality and practical reason
Govert Den Hartogh
From the editors
Robert HeegerAlbert W. Musschenga
Sebastián Urbina
Cultivating emotions
Vol. 4/2
Walter Lesch
Picturing the soul
Maria Antonaccio
Desires in palliative medicine
Marli HuijerGuy Widdershoven
Local anaesthesia, the increase of the evil through emotional impoverishment
Knut Berner
On the emotional character of trust
Bernd Lahno
Moral emotions
Ronald de Sousa
Ruth Chang, Incommensurability, incomparability and practical reason
Norbert Anwander
Colin Bird, The myth of liberal individualism
Josette Baer
Hasso Hofmann, Einführung in die Rechts‐ und Staatsphilosophie
Detlef Horster