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Bibliography of Ajdukiewicz's works
Vol. 108
Jerzy Giedymin
Syntactic connexion
Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz
A semantical version of the problem of transcendental idealism
Interrogative sentences
Logic and experience
Epistemology and semiotics
Change and contradiction
On the notion of existence
Conditional statement and material implication
The problem of the rationality of non-deductive types of inference
The problem of the foundation of analytic sentences
On the meaning of expressions
Syntactical connections between constituents of declarative sentences
Axiomatic systems from the methodological point of view
Language and meaning
The problem of foundation
The world-picture and the conceptual apparatus
The problem of empiricism and the concept of meaning
On the applicability of pure logic to philosophical problems
Intensional expressions
On the problem of universals
Proposition as the connotation of a sentence
The scientific world-perspective
The controversy concerning the law of causality in contemporary physics
Vol. 13
Hugo Bergmann
Personal remembrances of Albert Einstein
Reichenbach and conventionalism
Vol. 132
Laurent A. Beauregard
Reichenbach's entanglements
Clark Glymour
Reichenbach on convention
Keith Lehrer
Two lectures on the direction of time
O. Costa de Beauregard
What might be right about the causal theory of time
Lawrence Sklar
A generative model for translating from ordinary language into symbolic notation
William E. McMahon
Concerning a probabilistic theory of causation adequate for the causal theory of time
Philip von Bretzel
Reichenbach and the logic of quantum mechanics
Gary M. Hardegree
Reichenbach and the interpretation of quantum mechanics
Causal anomalies and the completeness of quantum theory
Roger Jones
Hans Reichenbach's relativity of geometry
Andreas Kamlah
Relative frequencies
Bas C. van Fraassen
The geometry of the rotating disk in the special theory of relativity
Adolf GrünbaumAllen I Janis
Metaphysical implications of the quantum theory
Neal Grossman
The philosophy of Hans Reichenbach
Wesley C. Salmon
Reichenbach's theory of nomological statements
Evan K. Jobe
Why ask, "why?"?
Laws, modalities and counterfactuals
Appreciation and criticism of Reichenbach's meta-ethics
Cynthia Schuster
Consistency proofs for applied mathematics
Merrilee H. Salmon
Reichenbach, reference classes, and single case "probabilities"
James H. Fetzer
The probabilities of theories as frequencies
Ben Rogers
Comment on Von Weizsäcker
Vol. 133
Peter Mittelstaedt
The concept of science
Kuno Lorenz
Transcendental arguments, self-reference, and pragmatism
Richard Rorty
Comment on Rosenberg
Harald Pilot
Scepticism and how to take it
Peter Bieri
A note on transcendental propositions in Kant's critique of pure reason
Konrad Cramer
Transcendental arguments, synthetic and analytic
Rüdiger Bittner
The significance of scepticism
Barry Stroud
Realism and underdetermination
Charles Parsons
Challenger or competitor?
Dieter Henrich
Transcendentalism and protoscience
Rüdiger Bubner
Sellarsian realism and conceptual change in science
Richard M. Burian
On Bennett's "analytic transcendental arguments"
Stephan Körner
Conceptual schemes, justification and consistency
Rolf-Peter Horstmann
Some remarks on realism and scientific revolutions
Lorenz Krüger
Transcendental proofs in the critique of pure reason
Manfred Baum
Analytic transcendental arguments
Jonathan Bennett
Comment on Rorty
Wolfgang Carl
Comment on Bennett
Günther Patzig
Transcendental arguments and pragmatic epistemology
Jay F. Rosenberg
Mary Hesse
Memory and causality
Vol. 138
Stanley Munsat
The unnaturalness of epistemology
Calculations, reasons and causes
John V. Canfield
Reasonable belief without justification
Kai Nielsen
Beauty and sex
Guy Sircello
A biographical sketch
Virgil C. Aldrich
Simple seeing
Fred Dretske
"Pain", grammar, and physicalism
Donald Gustafson
Deterministic predictions
Bangs Tapscott
On the absence of phenomenology
Daniel Dennett
Fictional objects
Robert Howell
The "what" and the "how"
Alastair Hannay
Wittgenstein on psychological verbs
Godfrey Vesey
Purposes and poetry
Keith Gunderson
Dreams, scepticism, and waking life
T. M. Reed
Agents, mechanisms, and other minds
Douglas C. Long
Husserl's notion of horizon
Vol. 154
David Woodruff SmithDavid L SmithRonald McIntyre
Horizon-analysis and the possible-worlds explication of meaning
Intentionality and possible-worlds semantics
Definite, or de re, intention in a husserlian framework
Intentionality and intensionality
Some classical approaches to the problems of intentionality and intensionality
Fundamentals of Husserl's theory of intentionality
Husserl's theory of noematic Sinn
Methodological behaviorism, evolution, and game theory
Vol. 180
Elliott Sober
Adaptationalist imperatives and panglossian paradigms
Alexander Rosenberg
Love and morality
Laurence Thomas
Phenotypic plasticity, cultural transmission, and human sociobiology
Robert N. Brandon
Sociobiological explanation and the testability of sociobiological theory
Paul Thompson
Sociobiology and human culture
David Smillie
Gene-culture coevolution
Charles J. LumsdenAnn C. Gushurst
Sociobiology and the information metaphor
Joseph F. Hanna
Evolutionary biology, human nature, and knowledge
Roger D. Masters
Biological reductionism and genic selectionism
Robert C. Richardson
Science and sociobiology
Evolutionary epistemology
Michael Ruse
Continuity and change in Frege's philosophy of mathematics
Vol. 181
Gregory Currie
Putting Frege in perspective
Joan Weiner
Frege's technical concepts
Robert Brandom
Frege and vagueness
J. Van Heijenoort
Objectivity and objecthood
Thomas G. Ricketts
Semantic content and cognitive sense
Hans Sluga(Department of Rhetoric, University of California Berkeley)
Frege, Russell and logicism
Nino B. Cocchiarella
Frege on truth
Tyler Burge
Frege, Dedekind, and the philosophy of mathematics
Philip Kitcher
General introduction
Leila Haaparanta Jaakko Hintikka
Frege on existence
Leila Haaparanta
Frege's proof of referentiality
Michael D. Resnik
Grundgesetze, section 10
A. W. Moore Andrew Rein
Perelman and the philosophy of law
Vol. 183
Guy Haarscher
Reason and rhetorical practice
Thomas B. Farrell
The contemporary emergence of the jurisprudential model
Josina M. Makau
The teflon president
Dan NimmoMichael W. Mansfield
James L. GoldenJoseph J. Pilotta
The universal audience revisited
James L. Golden
Implications of Perelman's theory of argumentation for theory of persuasion
Carroll C. Arnold
The concrete-universal
Joseph J. Pilotta
Wayne Brockriede
Perelman on justice and political institutions introduction
Algis Mickunas
An axiological analysis of Chaim Perelman's theory of practical reasoning
Ralph T. Eubanks
Judging the quality of audiences and narrative rationality
Walter R. Fisher
Problematology and rhetoric
Michel Meyer
Justice and justification in the new rhetoric
Ray D. Dearin
The rational and the reasonable
Stanley K. LaughlinDaniel T Hughes
Pragmatic justification and Perelman's philosophical rhetoric
Raymie E. McKerrow
The evolution of judicial justification
Richard D. Rieke
Meaning making
Vol. 194
Herbert Otto
The soft impeachment
R. W. Sleeper
Toward a new agenda for the philosophy of mind
Herbert OttoJames Tuedio
Husserl's epiphenomenology
Hubert L Dreyfus
Intentional transaction as a primary structure of mind
James Tuedio
In defense of pluralism
James Munz
Schemas, persons, and reality—a rejoinder
Jan Garrett
Naturalism, schemas, and the real philosophical issues in contemporary cognitive science
Harrison Hall
Meaning and mental representation
Kathleen Emmett
Brain states and psychological phenomena
Yuval Lurie
Husserl and the representational theory of mind
Ronald McIntyre
Rey cogitans
David Woodruff Smith
Testing robots for qualia
James H. Moor
Sophist vs skeptic
Steve Fuller
Animals, qualia, and robots
Henry W. Johnstone
Blindness to silence
A question about consciousness
Georges Rey
Mechanism and intentionality
Raymond J. Nelson
Knotty, knotty
John W. Bender
Intentionality, folk psychology, and reduction
Christopher S. Hill
Commentary on Tuedio's "intentional transaction"
William R McKenna(Department of Sociology & Gerontology, Northeastern University)
Qualia, functional equivalence, and computation
Robert Van Gulick
Schemas, cognition and language
Michael A. Arbib
Background knowledge and natural language understanding
Christopher A. Fields
Pragmatism, phenomenology, and the psychological sciences
Joseph Margolis
Internality, externality, and intentionality
Norton Nelkin
Psychophysical correspondence
Forrest Williams
Objects and fields
Comments on Otto on translation
Herbert E. Hendry
The development of logic in the Lvov—Warsaw school
Vol. 198
Jan Woleński(Jagellonian University)
The classical sentential calculus
Non-classical logics
Leśniewski's systems
Metamathematics, the foundations of mathematics and the semantic conception of truth
History of logic and interpretation of traditional logic
Logic, semantics and cognition
Logic, semantics and the world
Further epistemological and ontological problems discussed in the Lvov—Warsaw school
The philosophy of language
The philosophy of science
Once more history and beyond
The origin and development of the Lvov—Warsaw school
Some philosophical views of Kazimierz Twardowski
The conception of philosophy in the Lvov—Warsaw school
Vol. 207
Martin Kusch
Husserl's phenomenology and language as calculus
Heidegger's ontology and language as the universal medium
"Tradition" and related terms
Vol. 221
J. C. Nyíri
Historical consciousness in the computer age
On Esperanto
Heidegger and Wittgenstein
Writing and the private language argument
Wittgenstein's new traditionalism
Wittgenstein 1929–31
Collective reason
Some Marxian themes in the age of information
Tradition and practical knowledge
Statements and their criteria
Vol. 224
D. S. Shwayder
Synopsis of parts ii and iii
Behavioral and linguistic preliminaries
"Dry truth and real knowledge"
Vol. 238
Susan Haack
Metaphors, similes and similarity
Robert J. Fogelin
Metaphor as change of representation
Bipin Indurkhya
Metaphors in an open-class test
Avishai Margalit Naomi Goldblum
Metaphors and ways of life
E. M. Zemach
Metaphor and other kinds of nonliteral meaning
Jaakko HintikkaPaul-Gabriel Sandu
Generating metaphors from networks
Eric Steinhart Eva Kittay
Logical intention and comparative principles of empirical logic
Vol. 243
E. M. Barth
Foundations, circularity, and transcendental arguments
Humphrey Palmer
Peirce's puzzle and Putnam's progress
Pragmatics and semeiotic
Peirce's epistemology as a generalized theory of language
Angèle Kremer-Marietti
Some aspects of Peirce"s theory of knowledge
Qiwei Chen
Peirce's arguments for his pragmatistic maxim
Yunqiu Wu
Evolutionary epistemology and pragmatism
Lee F. Werth
Peircean vs. Aristotelian conception of truth
Ryszard Wójcicki
The antinomy of the liar and the concept of "true proposition" in Peirce's semeiotic
Francesca Rivetti-Barbò
Reason, will and belief
Gordon E. Whitney
Peirce and Descartes
Hanna Buczynska-Garewicz
Peirce and Wittgenstein's on certainty
Arnold E. Johanson
Peirce, Lakatos and truth
Lan Zheng
Peirce and Davidson
Kunitake Ito
Peirce's semeiotic naturalism
Tianji Jiang
The relevance of the concept of relation in Peirce
Rossella Fabbrichesi
Perception, conception and linguistic reproduction of events and time
Nils B. Thelin
A survey of the use and usefulness of Peirce in linguistics, in France in particular
Joëlle Réthoré
Color as abstraction
José F. Vericat
Some Polish contributions to fallibilism
The products of pragmatism
Larry A. Hickman
Determinate meaning and analytic truth
Bruce Aune
Peirce and Bolzano
Thomas Winner
Guy Debrock
Realism and antifoundationalism
Thomas M. Olshewsky
Paradigmatic base
Vol. 244
Jan Srzednicki
Fact vs. hypothesis
Sources of knowledge
Pre-conditions of knowledge 1
Pre-conditions of knowledge 2
Pre-conditions of knowledge 3
Ontological commitment
The normative constraint
Wittgenstein on mind and metaphysics
Vol. 245
Anthony Kenny
Wittgenstein on the meaning of logical symbols
Carlo Cellucci
Intentionality in Wittgenstein's works
Aldo Gargani
Was Wittgenstein a relativist?
Rudolf Haller
Wittgenstein on philosophy and science
David Pears
How Ludwig Wittgenstein would have reacted to recent changes in psychology
Fritz G. Wallner
Le réel et son ombre
Jacques Bouveresse
Wittgenstein and the twentieth century
Georg Henrik Von Wright
Notes on phenomenology and visual space
Roberto Casati
Wittgenstein on language, mind and mythology
Stephen Hilmy
Intentional reference as a logical relation
Herbert Hochberg
Malcolm on Moore's paradox
Eva Picardi
Wittgenstein between philosophical grammar and psychology
Rosaria Egidi
Fodor and Wittgenstein on private language
Diego Marconi
Wittgenstein's alleged metaphysics of mind
Johannes L Brandl
On following a rule
Avrum Stroll
Disentangling Moore's paradox
Norman Malcolm
Wittgenstein and memory
Guido Frongia
Wittgenstein's refutation of scepticism in "On certainty"
Joachim Schulte
Vol. 253
Jaroslav Peregrin
Roots of logical schematization
Axiomatic systems
Model theory
Criterial reconstruction
Language and the world
Feminism and the social construction of scientific knowledge
Vol. 256
Joseph Rouse
Cognitive and non-cognitive values in science
Helen E. Longino
Multicultural and global feminist philosophies of science
Sandra Harding
Woman — nature, product, style?
Sara Heinämaa(University of Jyväskylä)
Empiricism without dogmas
Lynn Hankinson Nelson
The last dogma of empiricism?
Jack Nelson
Underdetermination undeterred
Elizabeth Potter
Science as social? - yes and no
Meeting the universe halfway
Karen Barad
The relativism question in feminist epistemology
Ilkka Niiniluoto
Science and anti-science
Elisabeth A. Lloyd
Revaluing science
Nancy Tuana
The feminism question in the philosophy of science
Ronald N. Giere
Women's contributions to the achievements of the Lvov-Warsaw school
Vol. 273
Elżbieta Pakszys
De veritate
Arianna Betti
On the concept of a subject of cognition in Ajdukiewicz's philosophy
Anna Kanik
Truth-bearers from Twardowski to Tarski
Artur Rojszczak
Truth as consensus. a logical analysis
Katarzyna Kijania-Placek
Twardowski and Husserl on wholes and parts
Marek Rosiak
The rationalistic paradigm of Franz Brentano and Kazimierz Twardowski
Evgeni G. Vinogradov
The Lvov-Warsaw school and the problem of a logical formalism for general systems theory
Avenir I. Uyemov
Łukasiewicz's interpretation of Aristotle's concept of possibility
Urszula Żegleń
Forgotten and neglected solutions of problems in philosophical logic
Paul Weingartner
From closure-operatic deductive methodology to non-standard alternatives
Stanisław J. Surma
On some essential subsystems of Leśniewski's ontology and the equivalence between the singular barbara and the law of Leibniz in ontology
Toshiharu Waragai
Induction and probability in the Lvov-Warsaw school
The paradox of Grelling and Nelson presented as a veridical observation concerning naming
Andrzej Grzegorczyk
Łukasiewicz's logical probability and a puzzle about conditionalization
Tomasz Placek
Truth and time
Krystyna Misiuna
The postulate of precision
Marian Przełęcki
Polish logic, language and philosophy of language
Ryszard Zuber
Twardowski's distinction between actions and products
Non-elementary exegesis of Twardowski's theory of presentation
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
The Ajdukiewicz calculus, Polish notation and Hilbert-style proofs
Wojciech Buszkowski
Dąmbska, Quine, and the so-called empty names
Michele Marsonet
Leśniewski's conception of logic
Roberto PoliMassimo Libardi
Jaśkowski and Gentzen approaches to natural deduction and related systems
Andrzej Indrzejczak
On Ajdukiewicz's empirical meaning-rule and Wittgenstein's defining criterion
Tadeusz Czarnecki
The reception of the Lvov-Warsaw school
Studying incompleteness of information
Ewa Orłowska
On Łukasiewicz's theory of probability
Timothy Childers Ondrej Majer
Inspirations and controversies
Ryszard Jadczak
On what there is not — a vindication of reism
Jan Czerniawski
The contribution of Polish logicians to recursion theory
Roman Murawski
The Lvov-Warsaw school
Władysław Krajewski
On forms of objects
Vol. 275
Jacek Juliusz Jadacki
Forms in algebras and their interpretations
Ivor Grattan-Guinness
On Prägnanz
Riccardo Luccio
Forms and events
Giovanni Bruno Vicario
Form aesthetics
Liliana Albertazzi
Ontological categories
John F. Sowa
An essay on the notion of schema
Alberto Peruzzi
Form metaphysics
Experimental phenomenology
Paolo Bozzi
Towards a theory of figural form
Michael Stadler Sabine PfaffPeter Kruse
What is form?
Alf C. Zimmer
Formal characteristics in verbal description and spatial representation
Manfredo Massironi Maria Chiara Levorato
Roberto Poli
Non-ideal measurements and physical possibility in quantum mechanics
Vol. 281
Marco Del SetaMauricio Suárez
Set-theoretical models for quantum systems
Newton C.A. da Costa Décio Krause
The locality scandal of quantum mechanics
F. A. Muller
Bell-type inequalities and orthomodular lattices
Anatolij Dvurečenskij
Holism in artificial intelligence?
Carlo Penco
John von Neumann met Kurt Gödel
Thomas Breuer
Uncertainty and dependence in classical and quantum logic — the role of triangular norms
Mirko NavaraPavel Pták
Virtual reality
Guido BacciagaluppiPieter E. Vermaas
Time, relativity, and the spatiality of mental events
Mauro Dorato
Quantum logics and quantum measurements
Sylvia Pulmannová
The Bohr-Einstein photon box debate
Dennis Dieks
Some remarks on objective Chance (F. P. Ramsey, K. R. Popper and N. R. Campbell)
Maria Carla Galavotti
Attempt at the logical explanation of the wave-particle duality
Jarosław Pykacz
Is chaos indeterministic?
Robert C. Bishop Frederick M Kronz
Observation and reliable detection
Paul Humphreys
Wormholes and timelike curves
Giovanni Boniolo
Epimoric ratios and Greek musical theory
Fabio Bellissima
Music and science
Giuliano Toraldo Di Francia
Conceptual idealism and Stove's gem
Alan Musgrave
The quantum probabilistic approach to the foundations of quantum theory
Luigi Accardi
The creation-discovery-view
Diederik Aerts Bob Coecke
Realism, idealism, and general terms
Ermanno Bencivenga
From formal machine to social colony
W. E. HerfelClifford A. Hooker
An informal presentation of semantic realism and its solution of quantum paradoxes
Claudio Garola
Model selection for causal theories
Benoit Desjardins
Individualistic versus statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics
Kantianism and physics from the 19th to the 20th century
Arcangelo Rossi
Nonstandard analysis and a classification of probability spaces
Sergio Fajardo
On Boole's algebraic logic after the mathematical analysis of logic
Vol. 291
Psychologism in logic
Nicla Vassallo
The late George Boole, ll.d., d.c.l.
Samuel Neil
Remarks on professor Boole's mathematical theory of the laws of thought
George Paxton Young
The influence of Boole's search for a universal method in analysis on the creation of his logic
Luis M. Laita
Boole's algebra isn't boolean algebra
Theodore Hailperin
Algebraical logic
Hugh MacColl and George Boole on hypotheticals
Shahid Rahman
Was George Boole really the "father" of modern logic?
Volker Peckhaus
A reassessment of George Boole's theory of logic
James W. Van Evra
The conceptualization of time in Boole's algebraic logic
Béatrice Godart-Wendling
Logic versus algebra
Marie-José Durand-Richard
The mathematical background of George Boole's mathematical analysis of logic (1847)
Maria Panteki
The influence of Aristotelian logic on Boole's philosophy of logic
Sriram Nambiar
Boole's criteria for validity and invalidity
John Corcoran
George Boole and the science of logic
Gérard Bornet
Review of Boole
Michael Dummett
The epistemological foundations of SR
Vol. 294
William Lane Craig
SR's elimination of metaphysical time
The vindication of Lorentz
Three arguments for the mind-dependence of becoming
The "spatializing" of time
Incoherence of the mind-dependence of becoming
The problem of temporary intrinsics
Creatio ex nihilo
SR and the B-theory
Time and its measures
Representation in psychophysics
Vol. 295
Otto Selz and the Würzburg school
Theo Herrmann Steffi Katz
Representation in early Husserl
Karl Schuhmann
Consciousness and actuality in Whiteheadian ontology
Kurt Lewin and the rise of "cognitive sciences' in Germany
Wolfgang Wildgen
Hermann Von Helmholtz and Ernst Mach on musical consonance
Gianni Zanarini
The instrumental model of language in Karl Bühler
Serena Cattaruzza Derossi
The bild-conception of physical theories from Helmholtz to Hertz
Salvo D'agostino
Back to the origins
The politics of thought
G.F. Stout's philosophical psychology
Elizabeth R. Valentine
The primitives of presentation wholes, parts and psychophysics
Ernst Mach's evolutionary theory of representation
Jan Šebestík
The concept of perceptual "field' and the revolution in cognition caused by Köhler's physische Gestalten
Contents, psycho-physical products and representations. some notes on the theories of Kazimierz Twardowski
Jens Cavallin
Children's drawings as sensible probes into the realm of representations
Ruggero Pierantoni
Lotze on the sensory representation of space
Robin Rollinger
Vol. 308
Anna-Sofia Maurin
The problem of universalisation
The problem of thing-construction
Flow of time as a selection rule in general relativity
Vol. 309
Quantum spacetime and the problem of time in quantum gravity
Leszek M. Sokołowski
Time and physics — a noncommutative revolution
Michał Heller
On existence of the future
Stefan Snihur
Branching for a transient time
Against detensers
Helena Eilstein
The problem of time in the philosophy of roman Ingarden
Andrzej Półtawski
Motion, space, time
Jerzy Gołosz
Introduction foundations of mathematics
Vol. 310
Yvon Gauthier
From Hilbert to Kronecker
The consistency of arithmetic revisited
The internal consistency of arithmetic with infinite descent
From Kronecker to Brouwer
Hilbert and the foundations of physics
Internal logic
Scientific controversy and the public face of science
Vol. 316
A century of inference
Göran Sundholm
Philosophy and the social sciences
Margaret Gilbert
Linguistics as a system of distinct types of ontology-cum-methodology
Esa Itkonen
Historical ontology
Ian Hacking
Incommensurability and empirical comparability
Martin Carrier
On genetic information and genetic coding
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Architecture-based conceptions of mind
Aaron Sloman
Assessing game-theoretic explanations in the social sciences
Harold Kincaid
In defense of mental representation
Barbara Von Eckardt
Situated knowledge and the interplay of value judgments and evidence in scientific inquiry
Elizabeth Anderson
On the future of science
Stanisław Lem
Patterns of interaction among philosophers of science and cognitive scientists
Carnap and Kuhn
Gürol Irzik
The ways in which the sciences are and are not value free
Hugh Lacey
Biology and the possible
Claude Debru
Philosophy as science
Alan Richardson
Reactions to the discovery of the incompleteness phenomenon
Vol. 323
Tarski and Leśniewski on languages with meaning versus languages without use
Absolute truth in a changing world
Peter Simons
Truthmakers, truthbearers and the objectivity of truth
Artur Rojszczak Barry Smith
Can majority be supervalued?
Is strong correspondence (theory of truth) possible?
Pavel Materna
On thinking about the mental and the physical
Alfred Tarski and a watershed meeting in logic
Solomon Feferman
Dispositions, their bases and correlates—Meinong's analysis
Kevin Mulligan
The extension of the concept abolished?
Christian Thiel
Content and likeness definitions of truthlikeness
On Belnap's branching space-times
On the epistemology of game-theoretical semantics
Jaakko Hintikka
A minimalist critique of Tarski on truth
Paul Horwich
Bernard Bolzano's "Wissenschaftslehre" and Polish analytical philosophy between 1894 and 1935
Wolfgang Künne
Ajdukiewicz on language change and truth
Personal borders
Vol. 325
Daniel Kolak
Border control
Physiological borders
Neurological borders
Spatial borders
Psychological borders
Causal borders
Metaphysical borders
Identity borders
Phenomenological borders
Transcendental borders
Moral borders
Vol. 333
Reverse aristotelianism
Other writings
A history of Brentano criticism
A wager on the future
A life, a novel
Brentano and Aristotle
Psychology from an empirical standpoint
Metaphysics and the science of the soul
A woodworm in the intentional relation
Man the abstract animal
Vol. 336
Frederik Stjernfelt
The signifying body
Christ levitating and the vanishing square
Into the picture
Small outline of a theory of the sketch
Who is Michael Wo-Ling Ptah-Hotep Jerolomon?
Five types of schematic iconicity in the literary text
Let's stick together
The man who knew too much
The physiology of arguments – Peirce's extreme realism
How to learn more
Moving pictures of thought
Everything is transformed
Categories, diagrams, schemata
Diagrammatical reasoning and the synthetic a priori
Biosemiotics as material and formal ontology
A natural symphony?
Relativization of real numbers to a universe
Vol. 341
Hajime Ishihara
Program extraction in constructive analysis
Helmut Schwichtenberg
The constructive Hilbert program and the limits of Martin-löf type theory
Michael Rathjen
100 years of Zermelo's axiom of choice
Per Martin-Löf
Hilbert and the problem of clarifying the infinite
Sören Stenlund
Journey into apartness space
Douglas Bridges Luminiţa Simona Víţă
Brouwer's approximate fixed-point theorem is equivalent to Brouwer's fan theorem
Wim Veldman
Intuitionism and the anti-justification of bivalence
Peter Pagin
Beyond Hilbert's reach?
Wilfried Sieg
"Gödel's modernism: on set-theoretic incompleteness" revisited
Mark Van AttenJuliette Kennedy
From intuitionistic to point-free topology
Erik Palmgren
The measure of Scottish neo-logicism
Stewart Shapiro
Sten Lindström Erik Palmgren
Categories, structures, and the Frege-Hilbert controversy
Protocol sentences for lite logicism
John P. Burgess
Frege's context principle and reference to natural numbers
Øystein Linnebo
Tarski's practice and philosophy
Hourya Benis-Sinaceur
Natural logicism via the logic of orderly pairing
Neil Tennant
A constructive version of the lusin separation theorem
Peter Aczel
Dini's theorem in the light of reverse mathematics
Josef Berger Peter Schuster
The Frege-Wittgenstein correspondence
Vol. 349
Juliet Floyd
"A surrogate for the soul"
Eran Guter
Linguistic regularity
The crash of the philosophy of the Tractatus
On a remark by Jukundus
Prefatory note to the Frege-Wittgenstein correspondence
Frege-Wittgenstein correspondence
Burton Dreben Juliet Floyd
Meinong on the phenomenology of assumption
Vol. 360
Dale Jacquette
Außersein of the pure object
Constitutive (nuclear) and extraconstitutive (extranuclear) properties
Meditations on Meinong's Golden mountain
Domain comprehension in Meinongian object theory
Meinong's concept of implexive being and non-being
About nothing
Tarski's quantificational semantics and Meinongian object theory domains
Reflections on Mally's heresy
Virtual relations and Meinongian abstractions
Truth and fiction in lewis's critique of Meinongian semantics
Anti-meinongian actualist meaning of fiction in Kripke's 1973 John Locke lectures
Metaphysics of Meinongian aesthetic value
Quantum indeterminacy and physical reality as a relevantly predicationally incomplete existent entity
Confessions of a Meinongian logician
Meinong's life and philosophy
Meinongian dark ages and renaissance
Origins of Gegenstandstheorie
Husserl and Frege on sense
Vol. 384
Christian Beyer
Husserl and Weyl
Jairo José Da Silva
Construction and constitution in mathematics
Mark Van Atten
Husserl and Cantor
Claire Ortiz Hill
Husserl and Hilbert
Mirja Hartimo
Husserl and Bolzano
Ettore Casari
Husserl and Carnap on regions and formal categories
Ansten Klev
Husserl and Jacob Klein
Burt C. Hopkins(University of Lille)
Husserl and Gödel
Richard Tieszen
Husserl and his alter ego Kant
Judson Webb
Husserl and Riemann
Guillermo Rosado Haddock
Husserl and Leibniz
Stefania CentroneJairo José Da Silva
Paradox, harmony, and crisis in phenomenology
Husserl and Grassmann
Jan von Plato
Husserl and Boole
Stefania CentronePierluigi Minari
The Brentanist philosophy of mathematics in Edmund Husserl's early works
Carlo Ierna(University of Groningen)
Husserl and Schröder
Vol. 385
Final considerations
Explaining colour phenomenology
Vol. 388
Nicholas Unwin
Subjectivity and normativity in colour-distinctions
Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
Things are not what they seem
Graham Priest (City University of New York)
Logic and colour in cognition, logic and philosophy
Dany Jaspers
On color
A chromatic hexagon of psychic dispositions
Jean-Yves Béziau
Proofs versus experiments
Gisele Dalva Secco Luiz Carlos Pereira
The wonder of colors and the principle of Ariadne
Walter Carnielli Carlos di Prisco
Barry Maund
Hue, brightness & saturation in classical Greek chroma terms
Ekai Txapartegi
How many colours?
Kirsten Walsh
Dasein is the animal that sorts out colors
Bernardo Ainbinder
Goethe contra Newton on colours, light, and the philosophy of science
Olaf L. Müller
Impossible colours
Andrew Lugg
Vagueness, hysteresis, and the instability of color
Diana Raffman
Otávio Bueno
What the mind-independence of color requires
Peter W. Ross
Vol. 391
John Woods
Salty tears and racing hearts
Other things Sherlock isn't
Putting inconsistency in its place
Models and formal representations
Suboptimality and pretence
A research model for fiction
What readers know
Logic and mathematics
Vol. 401
Joseph Agassi
Logic and language
Young Wittgenstein
Interim period
Ordinary language analysis
The message of philosophical investigations
Analysis of analysis
A history of anti-metaphysics
The waning of essentialism
Vol. 402
John Wright
The skeptical arguments against realism i
The skeptical arguments – 2
Realism and inference to the best explanation
On the inference to unobservables
Underdetermination and theory preference
Eddington inferences in science – 1
Eddington inferences in science – 2
Early work on the metaphysics of science
Vol. 403
Nicholas Maxwell
Subsequent work on essentialism and the mind-body problem
Aim-oriented empiricism
Aim-oriented empiricism and the metaphysics of science
Broader implications
The structuralistic endeavour
Vol. 67
Jan Broekman
What is structuralistic philosophizing?
Explanation and understanding of human behavior
Vol. 72
Raimo Tuomela
Causal and historical explanation
Manfred Riedel
The causal theory of action
Frederick Stoutland
On deciding
Lars Hertzberg
Intention and practical inference
Jaegwon Kim
Determinism and the study of man
Is transcendental hermeneutics possible?
Explanation and understanding in history
Rex Martin
Inductive explanation, propensity, and action
The intentions of intentionality
Reply to J. N. Findlay
Causality and action
Peter Winch
Against reductionism and purism
Maria Makai
An analysis of causality
Aleksandar Kron
Human abilities and dynamic modalities
Some fundamental problems in the logic of scientific discovery
Vol. 81
Karl Popper
Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes
Imre Lakatos
Background knowledge and scientific growth
Postscript (1964) on cognitive significance
The rationality of science
Paul Feyerabend
The duhemian argument
Adolf Grünbaum
Is it never possible to falsify a hypothesis irrevocably?
Physical theory and experiment
Pierre Duhem
Empiricist criteria of cognitive significance
Carl Gustav Hempel
Grünbaum on the "duhemian argument"
Laurens Laudan
Quine, Grünbaum, and the duhemian thesis
Carlo Giannoni
Two dogmas of empiricism
Willard Van Orman Quine
Scientific revolutions as changes of world view
Thomas S. Kuhn
Duhem, Quine and Grünbaum on falsification
Gary Wedeking
Duhem, Quine and a new empiricism
A comment on Grünbaum's claim
The criterion of ontological commitment
Vol. 98
Paul Gochet
The syntactic approach
A semantic definition of proposition in terms of truth and falsity
The pragmatic definition of proposition in terms of assertion or assertability
The nature of facts
The proposition in terms of belief
Propositions as meanings of sentences
An attempt at a new solution for the enigma of the meaning of false sentences
The identification criterion for propositions
Propositions and indirect discourse