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Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences

Essays in commemoration of Edmund Husserl

edited byCarlo Ierna(University of Groningen)Hanne Jacobs(Loyola University Chicago)Filip Mattens


This volume brings together essays by leading phenomenologists and Husserl scholars in which they engage with the legacy of Edmund Husserl’s philosophy. It is a broad anthology addressing many major topics in phenomenology and philosophy in general, including articles on phenomenological method; investigations in anthropology, ethics, and theology; highly specialized research into typically Husserlian topics such as perception, image consciousness, reality, and ideality; as well as investigations into the complex relation between pure phenomenology, phenomenological psychology, and cognitive science.

Details | Table of Contents

Husserl's subjectivism

the "thoroughly peculiar "forms'" of consciousness and the philosophy of mind

Steven Crowell(Rice University)

Husserl und das Faktum der praktischen Vernunft

Anstoß und Herausforderung einer phänomenologischen Ethik der Person

Sophie Loidolt(TU Darmstadt)

The universal as "what is in common"

comments on the proton-pseudos in Husserl's doctrine of the intuition of essence

Rochus Sowa

La partition du réel

remarques sur l'eidos, la phantasia, l'effondrement du monde et l'être absolu de la conscience

Claudio Majolino


Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Dordrecht

Year: 2010


Series: Phaenomenologica

Series volume: 200

ISBN (hardback): 9789400700703

ISBN (paperback): 978-94-007-3439-5

ISBN (digital): 978-94-007-0071-0

Full citation:

Ierna Carlo, Jacobs Hanne, Mattens Filip (2010) Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences: Essays in commemoration of Edmund Husserl. Dordrecht, Springer.