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Michał Mrugalski
Humboldt University of Berlin
Associate Professor of Literary Theory at Warsaw University and DAAD Guest Lecturer at the Department for Slavic Studies, University of Tübingen. Columnist, literary critic, he is currently working on a book about theories of tragedy as praxeology in Germany and Poland, on two anthologies of Polish literary theory and on two collective volumes about Polish theory and the interconnections of literary theory with other scholarly disciplines.
Neo-Kantian philosophy as method and network
in: Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, Genève-Lausanne : sdvig press

Entanglements of Polish structuralism
Acta Structuralica Special issue 4/1

in: Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, Genève-Lausanne : sdvig press

Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe
Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press
in: Wiek teorii: Stulecie badań literackoteoretycznych w Polsce I, Warszawa : Instytut Badań Literackich
Stanisław Brzozowski as harbinger and enabler of modern literary theory in Poland and in the West
in: Stanisław Brzozowski and the migration of ideas, Bielefeld : Transcript
Le "formalisme" polonais et l'héritage du formalisme russe
Communications 103
The Polish reception of reception
in: Epocha "ostranenija", Moskva : Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
The tragedy of early literary theory
Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki 47/2

Wiener Slawistischer Almanach - Special issue Sonderband 92
Theory of literature as a theory of the arts and the humanities
Ästhetik der Revolution Revolution der Ästhetik
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie 68
„Das Zeitalter des Aischylos ist angebrochen, mein Lieber“
Zeitschrift für Slavistik 57/3