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Frank Vonk
Arnhem Business School
Senior lecturer in ethics, management, and culture, senior policy advisor quality assurance, and senior researcher in strategic communication at HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem/Nijmegen (the Netherlands); chairman of the board of examiners of the institute of business administration and law. He published his doctoral dissertation on Karl Bühler and on several occasions addressing aspects of Bühler’s multidisciplinary work and having reviewed several books on Bühler during the past twenty-five years. His fields of interest are: Bühler’s life and thought, qualitative research and appreciative inquiry, modern French and German Philosophy as well as the philosophy of language in general in the 19th and 20th centuries. Studies on Bühler, Gustav Gerber, history of Dutch secondary school education, history of German and Germanic Studies in the Netherlands, Fritz Mautner, Historiography of methodology (and vice versa) in the human sciences. Next to this he publishes on didactics, academic testing, human resources, and qualitative, practice-oriented research (action research).
Karl Bühler's "Construction of human speech"
in: Karl Bühler, une théorie du langage redécouverte, Praha : OPS
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 24/2
Ausdruck als Mitteilung und Steuerung
Zeitschrift für Semiotik 18/4