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John M. Heaton

The self, the divided self and the other


John M. Heaton

in: The interpersonal phenomenology of R.D. Laing, Pittsburgh : Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center

The interpersonal phenomenology of R.D. Laing


edited byJohn M. Heaton

Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center

Wittgenstein's Investigations


John M. Heaton

in: Phenomenology and psychoanalysis, Pittsburgh : Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center

The inevitable and slips of the tongue


John M. Heaton

in: The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Insight in phenomenology and psychoanalysis


John M. Heaton

Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3/2