Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Palgrave Macmillan
Classical social theory and the origins of modern sociology
Anthony Giddens
From premises to constructs
Martin Albrow
Military regimes and anti-dictatorial struggles
Bob Jessop
Philosophies of social science
William Outhwaite
The high priest of positivism
The structure of collective action
The democratic transition to democratic socialism
The realist alternative
Schutz and Parsons
The historical development of rationality
Further remarks on the three sources
Realism and social science
Habermas's social and political theory
Understanding and social structure
Beyond Poulantzas
Realism and hermeneutics
Realism and critical theory
Labour and interaction
The empirical study of values
Ira J. Cohen
Critical hermeneutics, realism and the sociological tradition
Durkheim, socialism and Marxism
Society and the market
Structuration theory and social praxis
Literature and society
Latter-day morphology and social praxis
Critical sociology and authoritarian state socialism
Andrew Arato
The improbable guru
Habermas and Marxism
Agnes Heller
The patterning and articulation of systems across time and space
The life and times of Poulantzas
Class division, class conflict and citizenship rights
A reply to my critics
Jürgen Habermas
The organisation of social systems
Administered systems
Existentialism, Marxism, and law
Classes, capitalism and the state
Habermas's concept of critical theory
Rüdiger Bubner
Religious faith in an intellectual's world
Reason and the individual
Structure, position-practices, and enablement/constraint
Towards a regional theory of politics
Power, the dialectic of control and class structuration
Editors' introduction
John B ThompsonDavid Held
The Nietzschean challenge
Structural analysis, societies, societal change
Developing the regional theory
From Marx to Nietzsche?
Universal pragmatics
John B Thompson
The scientist in search of salvation
Closing remarks
From a regional to a relational theory?
Cognitive interests and self-reflection
Henning Ottmann
Towards a science of social reality
Science and objectivity
Mary Hesse
Social classes and class alliances
Rationality and relativism
Thomas A. McCarthy
The theory of structuration
Fred Dallmayr
The scholarly and polemical context
Habermas's theory of social evolution
Michael Schmid
Ideology, the state and ideological confrontation
Of Gods and demons
Steven Lukes
Hermeneutics and social theory
Action, structure, power
The meaning of rationality
Crisis tendencies, legitimation and the state
David Held
Fascism and dictatorship