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Vol. 10
Karl Menger
A new approach to teaching intermediate mathematics
Why Johnny hates math
On the design of grouping problems and related intelligence tests
The geometry relevant to modern education
Logical tolerance in the Vienna circle
On definitions, especially of dimension
The new logic
Square circles (the taxicab geometry)
On intuitionism
Meaningfulness and structure
On the formulation of certain questions in arithmetic
Herbert J. CurtisKarl Menger
The algebra of geometry
A new point of view on the logical connectives
Geometry and positivism a probabilistic microgeometry
An intuitionistic-formalistic dictionary of set theory
My memories of L. E. J. Brouwer
Ultrasets and the paradoxes of set theory
The role of uncertainty in economics
A logic of the doubtful on optative and imperative logic
Remarks on the law of diminishing returns a study in meta-economics
A counterpart of Occam's razor
Gulliver in the land without one, two, three
Gulliver's return to the land without one, two, three
A theory of the application of the function concept to science
Gulliver in applyland
Variables, constants, fluents
Wittgenstein on formulae and variables
The origin and spirit of logical positivism
Vol. 14
Herbert Feigl
Mind-body, not a pseudoproblem
The power of positivistic thinking
Some crucial issues of mind-body monism
Naturalism and humanism
The Wiener Kreis in America
Validation and vindication
Scientific method without metaphysical presuppositions
Everybody talks about the temperature
Probability and experience
Is science relevant to theology?
Meaning and validity of physical theories
Ethics, religion, and scientific humanism
Confirmability and confirmation
The logical character of the principle of induction
What Hume might have said to Kant
Operationism and scientific method
Existential hypotheses
Logical reconstruction, realism and pure semiotic
De principiis non disputandum…?
Empiricism at bay?
The mind-body problem in the development of logical empiricism
No pot of message
Physicalism, unity of science and the foundations of psychology
Difficulties in the formulation of a general law of causality
Vol. 22
Philipp FrankRobert S Cohen
On the so-called "true" world
On the validity of the law of causality
The dangers of meaninglessness for statements of great generality
The most incisive formulation of the law of causality
Currents of thought hostile to causality
Causality, finalism and vitalism
Physical lawfulness and causality
Causality and chance
Causality and quantum mechanics
Causality, chance or plan in the development of the world?
Memories of Hans Reichenbach
Vol. 4a
Maria ReichenbachRobert S Cohen
Student years
Maria Reichenbach
New approaches in science